Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Endless Awesomeness - Rock Climbing

The Northwest of America has been a playground that I have played on as much as I can the last Month or so. Rock climbing has been a large part of that.  Washington Pass, Mazama, Exit 38, Sehome Hill, the UW rock wall, the Mountaineers wall, Vertical world, Smith Rock, more Exit 38, and Frenchman Coulee have all offered me a wonderful experience. The rock climbing pushes me physically and mentally, the scenery is inspiring, and the company and memories are irreplaceable. 

I have had the opportunity to take a few classes with KAF Adventure, a company that I am currently interning for, and after every weekend of adventure, I like climbing and them more and more. Learning, exploring, and meeting amazing people brings me home each Monday exhausted in the best way possible, and also completely alive.

It has also been an amazing venue for me to spend time with my sister, girlfriend, mom, friends and to make new friends. Some who have climbed and some who have not. 

My sister (Renee) has now climbed on rock for her first time, cleaned her first anchor, and also climbed some great 5.9 routes.

Karen has cleaned an anchor multiple times now, and has also led her first 5.7. No matter what I lead, she is able to get up and clean, and we are great partners for each other.

Spencer climbed for the first time, and was thoroughly freaked out as Renee started to belay him, but he was smiling from ear to ear by the time he made it down.

My mom (Liane) climbed for her first time, and kicked some butt in a cool chimney.

All in all, it has been amazing getting to know these areas and this sport better. It has been amazing spending time with people I care about, and forming new relationships with others.  If you want to adventure with me, just let me know, I plan for the amazingness to continue!