Saturday, March 1, 2014

India - A wild, eye opening, wonderful experience - I am forever changed, and forever grateful.

After three months in India, I feel I saw more than I could have ever imagined.  Being with the Dalai Lama as he spoke, overnight trains, a Camel Safari in the Thar Dessert, Trekking in the Himalayas and sleeping in mountain huts, Camel Fare, Babas and chillums, hitchhiking, forts, temples, markets, overnight shared sleeper buses, swimming in the Arabian Sea, Laccadive Sea and Bay of Bengal, backwater boat rides, 10 days of silent mediation at a Vipassana facility, two weeks at a Sivananda Yoga ashram, bouldering in Hampi (and researching for KAF Adventures), sleeping in a Sikh temple, staying with locals and sharing meals with those I met along the way, being part of the Auroville community, every type of transportation imaginable, bribes, fevers, throw-up, beaches, Churches, festival galore, never a dull moment.
Fellow Himalaya Hikers 

Mountain Hut

Camel Safari Guide

One of the sleeping accommodations I chose for myself

Great colors at the market

A tasty breakfast

A nice sunrise at Mamallapuram

Auroville - Matrimandir

I came to think that India is immune to noise. I started to become this way after some time.
I sat in silent mediation for 10 days, without human interaction, without reading, writing or speaking at all. Staying in my small room at night by myself – Vipassana – Earth shattering!
I contributed to a society by volunteering my time. Helping with reforestation, gardening, etc. - Aurovillle - An amazing township, with so many volunteers, and pockets of “gift societies”. Beautiful.
Yoga a few hours a day. Karma yoga. 2 meals per day. Spiritual lectures - Sivananda Yoga Ashram – I was sore. I was part of the little ashram. I was “home”.
So many experiences. So many emotions. So many beautiful souls. I am lucky! I am forever changed, and forever grateful.