Friday, July 12, 2013

Tonight I wept

I have wept tears of joy, tears of appreciation, tears of sadness... tonight I wept, but the emotion is hard to describe. 

I am in Mostar, Bosnia. I am staying with a man who lived through, participated in, lost friends and family members to, has rebuilt his house because of, and vividly remembers the 1990's and the devastation ("devastation" by most "modern" standards) that impacted this area. The bullet holes in buildings all over the area paint a picture, but I am, even with my vivid imagination and highly trained empathy, sure my picture can't compare to the reality.

A similar feeling occurred when I stayed with an Austrian family in Vienna. The mother and child (a baby at the time), were buried alive when bombs were dropped on their farm in the 1940's. Neighbors dug them out, and the yet to be conceived daughter of that woman(the baby at the time) became the gracious couchsurfing host that I was able to share meals with (meals from their postwar, replanted garden). 

Tonight I wept.  Tonight I appreciate.

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