Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Back in America – Who am I, where am I, and what do I see?

Family photo before my departure to India

After about 8 months of traveling and living out of a backpack, I returned to America from Europe and India - for at least the immediate future.  Part of me expected the adventure to die down a little. It didn't. I was mistaken.  Learning continues, and adventure and the exploration is endless, so long as you make it so. Not to mention, I keep meeting awesome people!

Back in America - Welcome Home!

I was able to surprise my mother for her birthday.  It took some time for her to realize that the 130 pound stick of a man was not just an apparition, and that it was really her long lost son. The smiles and long and sincere hugs were the most wonderful things I could have wished for.

Mom and I :)

I was able to surprise my fiancé (a little late) for our 3 year anniversary.  Attend the Koester’s Annual Chinese New Year Celebration. Play in the snow with loved ones. Play in the mountains with loved ones. And then start the journey of taking people outside in a safe way; a Wilderness First Responder class, and an AMGA Single Pitch Instructor Course.

Smith Rock - Oregon

Snow Caves -Washington

After a mere 2 months in America, the next big journey began; a season of learning and instructing with KAF Adventures!

KAF Adventures - Community Climb 

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