Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Nature is needed!

Visiting cities, capitals, historic areas, etc. was a very large part of my Europe trip, but it didn't matter where I was, I was always drawn back to nature.  If longings to go back to the PNW ever arose, I quickly got my fix with the nearest mountains, rivers, ocean, lakes, etc.  It didn't matter where I was, something was available, and it was always wonderful.

Mountains outside Salzburg. Swiss Alps. Biking through parks and up hills in Germany. Swimming in the Kotor Bay. Hills in Prague.  Hills in Edinburgh. Cliffs of Moher. Etc. nature is needed.

Mountain man patrolling the hills outside of Grachen 

Hiking with the locals just outside of Salzburg.

Prague:  A photo for a photo.

Can't beat Edinburgh on a sunny day.

When the single speed isn't enough for the hills in Berlin.

Napping on the cliffs of Moher.

Exploring the Alps.

Bay of Kotor with Leo.

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