Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Kayaking is Cool! Especially when you are kayaking with cool kids.

What better way to spend a long weekend, than to Kayak around the San Juan Islands, check out the sea life with a bunch of cool people, do yoga, hike, tell stories, dance by the fire, and eat MREs!

Sucia Island, Brittany, Karen, Leslie, and Ryan offered just that!

We drove to Anacortes (not Anna Cortez), hopped on a ferry to Orcas Island, drove to the north of the island, and then took a water taxi to Sucia Island, where we picked up the Kayaks. 

Water taxi to Sucia!

As first timers in the sea, we took it pretty easy, but thoroughly enjoyed figuring out how to cooperate in two person kayaks. We paddled around the island a bit, explored every cove, and enjoyed the occasional intimidating waves that raced towards us.

We saw jellyfish, porpoises, starfish, seals, and more.

Karen and I braved the cold water and dipped in on one of the sunny days, welcoming the sun to warm our bones as we exited the water.  

Leslie and Karen participated in a yoga session that their gracious instructor Brittany led one morning.

We all searched for firewood as Ryan elegantly prepared the fire, Leslie being the champ of breaking the unbreakable branches.

At every meal, we picked apart the MREs, trading each other for bits and pieces that suited our individual fancy.

The beauty of the island, nature and solitude were welcome guests in my eyes and soul, and the company was perfect. The weather cooperated and we all received our natural dose of vitamin D.

Of course, burgers and beer were in store for us as we waited for the ferry back home – a great end to a great weekend!


  1. You forgot having to carry the kayaks and all of our gear across the island!

  2. Photos courtesy of Yours truly! Great weekend!

  3. I think I repressed the memory of carrying the kayaks... Ha

    and of course, THANK YOU Karen for the amazing photos. A great weekend indeed.
