Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A journey through Europe done right, and a thank you to those who made it so.

After 5 months in Europe, I had an amazing and unforgettable time. The people I met along the way made it what it was;

It is a blessing to spend a couple weeks with your family in Ireland (during which time you all finish a half marathon), and then another week in Paris 4 months later.

It is great to see a friend from WA in Dublin and eat some local food.

It is a beautiful moment when you arrive in a city you have never been in, and meet up with a friend you haven’t seen in 10+ years. 

It is beautiful when you arrive in a city you have been to before, and stay with a friend you haven’t seen in 3 years.

It is beautiful when you arrive in a new country and stay with your old high school PE teacher.

It is beautiful when you meet a Brazilian in Kosovo, who becomes your travel partner through 3 more countries.

It is awesome to meet someone in Luxembourg, whose company you enjoy, and who you meet up with again in Brussels, and Lille.

It is amazing to meet a couple vacationing in Scotland, who live in Portugal, and have them extend an offer to visit, and then to go spend 3 days with them 2 months later.  

It is incredible to be introduced electronically to a man that my mother met 30 years ago, be picked up by his son in Austria, and then driven to Lichtenstein where they are incredibly hospitable.  Then to go meet their whole family and a few of their friends at a vineyard in Italy 2 months later.

It is cool to see a family friend in Germany, whose parents live next door to you in WA, and enjoy a long night out in Berlin for your birthday.

It is amazing to stay with a handful of couch surfing hosts, including: an Indian med student in Glasgow, two Hungarian working professionals in Vienna, a botany student in Vienna, a German teacher and Turkish film editor living in Augsburg (and their cute dog), a tech specialist at his brewery in the hills of Grachen as well as with his friend in Zurich, a French women who just returned to Lille from a 10 month adventure in Australia, a Spanish/French man and his two roommates in Toulouse, etc.

It is blast to meet all the hostel owners and fellow travelers along the way, as well as the friendly locals who always gave me more time than I could thank them for, and who shared meals with me after showing a lost stranger their city.

It is priceless to travel with a Eurail pass for 2 months through 10 different countries with your sister.

It is wonderful to travel for 18 days around Italy with a girlfriend whom you love very much.

I am happy. I am blessed. I am thankful.



  1. You and Renee were the best travel mates ever, THANKS for being on my way... Cheers from Paris!!
    Leo, the brazilian =)

  2. I can't imagine a better time than a few weeks in Italy with you :)
