Sunday, April 14, 2013

Metal music has an accent of its own!

10 o’clock on a Sunday evening… what better thing to do then go explore a city you have never been in before.  That’s exactly what we did. Renee and I left our hotel to wander through Belfast, and very shorty after, we saw a very large crowd standing outside a pub. A large crowd always gathers a little attention, but this crowd gathered comparatively more than your normal crowd. This crowd was all wearing black, leather, chains, tattoos, piercing, and the men had longer than average hair (on their heads and their faces), while the women had shorter than average hair. Without a second thought Renee and I wandered through the crowd and made our way inside. After sitting for about 5 minutes the crowd slowly filtered back in, and a band begin to take the stage. 5 minutes later Renee and I were banging our heads to the loud metal music and loving it! 
After an hour or so we made our way back outside. I cant think of a better way to have spent the evening. The greatest part was that, although the lead singer had a distinctly Irish accent while speaking, I would have never know he had an accent by listening to his singing. 

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